It was November of 2004 when for the 1st time we loaded our car with enough food to feed 100 of the most needy who live at the “basurero”. We’ve been going every Friday evening, since then, and we have fed nearly 10,000 meals. The food, drink, and the gathering of people behind our car is indeed ministry meeting a social need, but the lasting ministry meeting the spiritual need is when our YFC ministry team communicates the life-changing message of Jesus Christ to the 100+ folks gathered for food every week.
It is a “tough” ministry site… in that it is not guarded and there are no police around us. Often the “regulars” who come each Friday and who we’ve gotten to know tell us about fights and murders that have taken place there earlier in the week. The Lord has kept us safe during our weekly visits. Its “tough” in that we’re exposed to filth, refuse, sickness, and swarms of flies that land on us as they make their rounds. Again, the Lord has kept us from any serious sickness that could come from such a place. Its “tough” in that we hurt for the people who live and work there. Many Friday evenings Kim simply tells me that she just can not go. Kim is more sensitive to people’s hurts than I am, and this ministry site is to difficult for her week after week. But, you know what makes it such a tough” ministry site … very few people receive the Lord. Every Friday as 100+ people line-up behind my car we read scripture and share a devotional, and pray giving thanks to God for the food. An invitation is always extended for anyone to follow Christ; some have received Christ as their Lord & Savior, but very few. However, we are certain that the Lord would have us to continue to go each week.
Recently, Rick hosted a reporter and a photographer from the “Miami Herald”. Monday, November 13, the front page cover story was about the city dump in
that is real life...