Monday, October 20, 2008

Seeing Kids Changed... Forever!

What kind of change is it that we desire to see? Throughout our ministry schedule from week to week we give cool water to thirsty kids, but they’ll soon be thirsty again. We feed hungry kids, but they’ll soon be hungry again. Some we tutor and pay for private school education, we provide guitar and piano lessons, we teach English… but, none of these changes, as good as they are, matter in the scope of eternity, except that they help us earn the right to be heard as we communicate “the life changing message of Jesus Christ”. When a kid bows his head in prayer and yields his life to the Lord Jesus Christ… a change for eternity happens. When we give Bibles to kids who desire to follow Christ and we teach and mentor them, then we see change, a transforming change into the likeness of Christ that is eternal. Kim and I along with our many partners provide need based ministry, helping to change poor nutrition, poor education, aimlessness, But, it is only through a personal encounter with God that a kid’s live can be changed for the rest of forever. This is the kind of change that we desire to see.

Hosting Short-term Missionary Teams

Adding Partners… Multiplying Our Efforts

Living cross-culturally is like living in “the best of times” (international travel, exotic places, new foods, etc.) and also it is like living in “the worst of times” (feeling of isolation, not fitting-in, language barriers, etc.) Going to the airport to meet a missionary team is like a breath of fresh air. The refreshment goes deeper than simply spending a week, or so, with a group of people that talks like me, who eats like me, who plans, works, laughs, interacts, etc… like me. Hosting short-term teams is so exhilarating because we get to partner with other brothers and sisters of the same faith who share a like passion for communicating “the life-changing message of Jesus Christ” to young people. What is so beneficial for the Honduran youth goes deeper than a week of ministry in Honduras… they learn how to pray more fervently, share their finances more faithfully, and return again in the near future more friends. Their involvement is more than “addition”… they “multiply” our missionary effort in Honduras. Praise God for the short-term missionary teams that partner with us in Honduras. We may try to measure our ministry together, but only God knows the true dividends from these short-term teams. Teams that we have hosted have impacted multiplied thousands of youth here in Honduras, and to some families their impact will be felt for generations.

Pouring Into A Few Interns

Who Over-flow Into Many Lives

This was our 4th summer to host interns here in Honduras, and our experience with college-age young adults keeps getting better and better. This summer for the 1st time we hosted a group of interns, 5 came to serve in Tegucigalpa alongside us. They actually came though a “sister” mission organization, the Orphanos Foundation. The founder and president of “Orphanos” is Wayne Sneed who worked on staff with Kim & me at Mid-South YFC some 15-20 years ago. Even, then, Wayne’s heart was with international missions and specifically the ministry of short-term mission teams. As the Lord would have it Wayne hired Sandi Langley to head-up their internship program. And, as the Lord would have it, Sandi is a friend from “yester-years” as Kim and I were students together with her at the University of Memphis, also, some 15-20 years ago. Our recent reacquaintance with Wayne and with Sandi lead to a wonderful summer of training their class of 7 interns and the awesome privilege of hosting 5 of them during June and July. Our Honduran interns (A.J., Lora, Hannah, Crystal, and Julia) benefited from our formal classroom time. But, the greater benefit came as they experienced 1st hand ministry in Honduras, as they experienced several Central American cultures in 3 different countries (from the high Mts. to the Caribbean islands), and as they visited or worked with various mission programs and missionaries, including our family. Together we were able to lead many kids to saving faith in Christ, give away hundreds of Bibles and gospel tracks, provide follow-up and discipleship. They arrived in San Jose, Costa Rica in late May ready to learn and serve; they returned to the USA in early August changed, as were the hundreds of kids with whom they invested their summer.

Visiting Short-term Missionary Teams

The 1st 4 months of the year have been full of travel. I mentioned in my last newsletter (Jan/Feb issue) about my trip to Haiti, then in late Feb. I traveled to my home town, Memphis, Tennessee. My home church, Bellevue Baptist had their annual mission conference. It is always good to see family and friends. I was able to see old friends and make some new ones as I attended my booth in the church vestibule, and as I visited classes. One of the highlights of the trip home was the missionary banquette where I heard and met Steven Saint and the Indian man who adopted him as a grandson (Photo above).

Shortly after my return to Tegucigalpa, my friend, Eric, with Fellowship of Christian Athletes (Austin, Texas) came with a team of 5 people. I took them to a remote, hard-to-get-to, village in the Mts. of Yoro only accessible via foot or horse back. They hosted a soccer tournament with 4 neighboring villages. They communicated the live-changing message of Jesus Christ to many, as several hundred attended the tournament.

Then, during Easter week, Kim & I hosted a team of 30 from the Boston area. The team was lead by Pastor Nate Hall and church member Michelle Brown from Pacific Union Congregational Church, however 2 other churches were part of the trip. Although several of the team members have been to Honduras for 4 years, now, we did several “new” things this year. We hosted a medical brigade for the first time. And, for the 1st time Kim & I divided the team and headed in 2 different directions. Kim stayed in Tegucigalpa with ½ the team, and I went to the Mts. of Yoro with the other ½ to minister to the Tolupan Indians. Hundreds were benefited by this team’s work. Social needs were met (feeding, medical care, clothing, etc.), demonstrating the love of Christ, demonstrating and communicating the love of Christ.

It is so good to “lock arms” with brothers and sisters from the USA. We feel so encouraged to be with others who pray for us and sacrifice to come be part of our ministry here. Praise the Lord for these short-term missionary teams that help us communicate the live-changing message of Jesus Christ to so many young people in Honduras.

Through The Eyes Of A Visiting Friend

On a recent trip to Honduras, my 13-year-old daughter Megan and I saw personally the impact Rick & Kim have with their various ministries. One of their avenues of outreach is the City Dump. Even though I read the article in the Miami Herald and heard personal testimony from the Beck’s about the dump, the first-hand experience will forever remain etched in my mind and Megan’s. With ragged, torn and dirty clothes, men, women and children ran expectantly towards our vehicle as we drove up. After a brief devotion we handed out plates of food, water and bananas to those gathered. The lesson learned while watching Rick & Kim, along with the volunteers, is that they express a genuine love for these people; it flows from their hearts. Their ministry is Matthew 25:35 in action.

Jack Sedory