Monday, April 10, 2006

Blossoms From Broken Flower Pots

Beautiful Kids From Brokeness

Kim selected this particular plant from a green house that had of all kids of tropical plants. A year ago this plant was in full bloom and quite healthy. Since then, we have moved from one house to another and have begun to foster 3 children at out house. I don’t know when, but somewhere along the way the flower pot was broken, actually several times. The plant in its broken pot got placed aside and was nearly forgotten… until last week. I looked out my window and noticed a new color. It’s been dry in Honduras and the grass and leaves have been turning brown, so the splash coral from the corner of our garden stood-out. The Lord spoke to my heart… “The kids that come from brokenness and bloom into my likeness also stand-out.”

Brokenness comes in many forms in Honduras: gangster kids in prisons, forgotten kids living at the city-dump, Tolupan Indian kids living in some of the worst poverty imaginable, abandoned kids left to the streets, and on and on. But, we all share one universal brokenness… spiritual brokenness. So, no matter where we minister – and we visit all the above places regularly – it is the “life-changing message of Jesus Christ” that is paramount to our missionary work. So, when we see kids existing in brokenness, it is Jesus that they need most and with Christ we see them change… boy, do they stand-out.

We’ve been seeing God change 3 specific lives, Michelle (13), Kevin (10), and Jimmy (7). These siblings moved-in with us several months ago. They were the kids that have been begging at our door for over a year now. And, they were headed to residential care separate from one another. However, it is obvious that God brought this family into or ministry after learning of the death of their mother (to cancer), making the connection that their sister is one of the ex-gang members in the prison that we have been discipling for 2 years now, and also we learned that all 3 have dropped out of school. Christ is changing their lives as they live with us, continue in our home-school program and enjoy a healthy childhood and adolescence.

Enjoy our website. Pray for our kids in Honduras; and support us as the Lord leads.

Rick Beck

Rick & Kim Beck - career missionaries serving in Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Youth For Christ has been a part of our lives through our courtship, marriage and now our missionary careers. Much of what we learned of missions we learned as we served YFC in Memphis, Tennessee. After 16+ years of volunteering, being on YFC's ministry staff, and (Rick) serving as Executive Director for Mid-South YFC... the Lord directed our lives to international missions. In 2002 we moved to Costa Rica for a year of language school. Then, we settled into Tegucigalpa to grow the existing YFC ministry into the capitol city. Presently, YFC in Central Honduras reaches youth through these venues:
  • the prison
  • the city-dump
  • the high school campus
  • the urban neighborhood
  • the Mts. of Yoro - where the Tolupan Indians live
The ministry programs that we use to fall into 2 categories: intervention and prevention. Our intervention programs include: Bible studies, English classes, sports, and meeting physical needs (food, clothing, medical, dental, education). Our prevention program is a child-care center in a needy urban neighborhood. In addition to these ongoing programs, we have the opportunity to host short-term mission teams who are a great asset to our work in Honduras. It was through a short-term missionary trip in 1998 that God began to lead us to Honduras.